859.261.7427 - 800.555.9585

Stand Outs

  • Mounts are 3/4 inch thick with a black edging.
  • Easy to hang with pre-drilled holes on the back.
  • Build a wall collage, order different sizes.

Stand Out Pricing

SizeStandard PaperMetallic Paper
5x717.12 17.61
8x1020.25 21.20
8x1223.60 24.83
10x1025.50 26.93
10x2044.85 47.82
11x1431.40 33.21
12x1228.45 30.07
12x1842.60 45.83
16x2054.75 60.20
16x2471.90 78.88
20x2073.90 81.38
20x2479.50 87.56
20x30100.55 110.30
24x30143.40 155.88
30x40207.40 224.88

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